50% of the SDS verified contained errors

50% of the SDS verified contained errors

ECHA publishes the “Report on Improvement of Quality of SDS (safe data sheet)”.

During 2011/2012, 4500 Safety Data Sheet where evaluated in 29 EU member states. The inspections were focus, among other points, on the quality and management of those SDS. This project showed that approximately a 50% of the SDS verified contained errors in the information provided.

The results of this project were presented last May as the “Report on Improvement of Quality of SDS”. In this document are detailed, organized by sections, the points that need to be improved and the recommendations to amend it.

For this reason, it is extremely recommended to generate your documentation with a trustworthy and updated software. Use CHEMETER and be sure that your SDS will be part of the 50% of the compliant ones.