Public consultation on postponing the date of entry into force pf Annex VIII (UFI & harmomised notification)

Public consultation on postponing the date of entry into force pf Annex VIII (UFI & harmomised notification)

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on an amended Annex VIII’s draft. The main update is the change of the compliance date to submit information on hazardous chemical mixtures for consumer use postponing the date one year – 1st January 2021.

The public consultation will remain open until 18th August 2019 in the following web. From this webpage it is possible to download the two draft (English only) and also send messages where to express comments that will be take into consideration for approving or not the new document. The comments need to be written in English and are published on the same webpage openly.

If the consultation is approved, the formal new Annex VIII is expected to be published by the end of 2019, extending one year more the transition time.