Published the 16th ATP of the CLP regulation

Published the 16th ATP of the CLP regulation

On April 20 it was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, the COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2021/643 of 3 February 2021, which is equivalent to the 16th adaptation to technical and scientific progress, by modifying part 1 of Annex VI of the CLP Regulation (CE) on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures.

In its initial remarks, the Commission explains that the amendment has been carried out at the request of some Member States and stakeholders, which have requested that a number of the notes set out in subsection 1.1.3 of Part 1 of Annex VI to CLP be amended alluding to the fact that they were vague and generated a degree of uncertainty that did not allow the correct interpretation of legal obligations.

Specifically, some of them could lead to the misunderstanding that it is not mandatory for the substances to which they apply to be classified under certain circumstances, when, in fact, they must continue to be classified under Title II of the Regulation (EC) N. 1272/2008 (self-classification).

The following modifications have been carried out:

  • 1. In point, on notes related to the identification, classification and labeling of substances, the notes from J to R have been modified.
  • 2. In point, on notes related to the classification and labeling of mixtures, notes 8 and 9 have been modified.

The new regulation will come into force 20 days after its official publication.

On the other hand, the 17th ATP has been approved in March 2021, although its official publication is still pending since it is in its scrutiny period.