Peru updates its Ministerial Resolution No. 733-2024 MINSA: Improvements in Occupational Health
End of the transition period for adaptation to Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation: Harmonized Notifications (PCN) and their impact
This means that all products available ...
New Amendment to CLP Regulation (EU 2024/2865): Major Changes in Chemical Product Labeling
Brazil approves the National Chemical Inventory (Bill PL 6120/2019) and Its Impact on the Industry with LAW 15.022/24
China Updates GHS Publishes GB 30000.1 to Replace GB 13690-2009
EU Delegated Regulation 2024/2564 (ATP 22): Key Changes to the Classification of Dangerous Substances
Modification of Decree 1358, Chile: Key Changes Effective August 13, 2024
Ukranian’s steps towards the implementation of the European REACH (UA-REACH) on the Safety of Chemical Products
Peru advances in the development of chemical substance management law
The main purpose of this new regulation is to complement and implement Legislative Decree No. 1570 ...
Brazil - Update your FISPQ to the new SDS format.
China's Inventory of Existing Chemicals IECSC adds 34 new substances
Bis(α,α-dimethylbenzyl) peroxide: New inclusion on the SVHC list
Inspectors will check classification and labelling of mixtures in products ECHA/NR/24/18
New REACH restrictions for siloxanes D4, D5 and D6
ChemIndia unveils its online data management system for chemicals and petrochemicals sector
PCN notifications under the spotlight of the authorities
Updated exposure limits for lead and diisocyanates
The 21st ATP of the CLP regulation introduces 28 new entries in the list of dangerous substances and revises the classification of another 24
IMDG Code amendment 41-22 comes into force: overview
Understanding the Recent Amendments to KKDIK
Canada launches new legislation to enhance dangerous goods transportation oversight
SIAM USA LLC: Leading the Way in Corporate Social Responsibility
One standout...
CANADA - Updated WHMIS Guidance
Brazil Implements Revision 7 of GHS: What is new?
Dutch Flavor Ban on E-Cigarettes Set to Take Effect on January 1, 2024
Get a better understanding of toxic chemicals, Proposition 65 warnings, and their impact on your health
This article aims to provide valuable insights to safety professionals in the chemical industry regarding toxic chemicals, Proposition 65 warnings, and their implications for health. ...
EU Implements groundbreaking legislation to curb microplastics
Getting ready for the upcoming Poison Centre deadline for industrial use only mixtures
Addressing Formaldehyde Risks: EU Commission Introduces Stricter Restrictions for Consumer Articles
On July 14, 2023, the Commission approved Regulation (EU) 2...
ECHA's Workshop Paves the Way for Animal Testing-Free Chemicals Regulation
Canada one step closer to ban “forever chemicals”
Canada updates its Hazardous Products Regulations: What's next?
When to update or revise your safety data sheets (SDS): a global guideUnderstanding regulatory requirements in countries that have adopted GHS
- •Chemical suppliers must periodically review, and update their SDSs to incorporate new information about hazards...
The ...
New UK Packaging Regulations. How will it affect my company?
Entry 74: Diisocyanates restricted under REACH
Vietnam updates its Law on Chemicals
EU vs UK CLP: What’s different and what can we expect?
Thus, the CLP Regulation was transposed into UK law after Brexit. Importantly...
The European Commission shares a draft for new hazard categories under the CLP
These objective...
Do you need help to comply with the new Japanese SDS requirements? ¡New practical guideline published!
Although it's not an official document, it is...
The European Commission consults the introduction of new hazard classes into CLP
Update of the ATEX regulations
Time is over: the new SDS requirements under Annex II will be mandatory for the next year
New labeling requirements of waste-generating products in France
In 2020, France approved its "Anti-Waste and Circular Economy...
SVHC Candidate List extended to 224 substances
The Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern - SVHC contains a list ...
And the fact is that, ...
Glyphosate, Yes: not change proposed to hazard classification
Just a yea...
Singapore adapts to the GHS 7th Revised Edition
18th ATP of the CLP published
The latest amendment to del CLP Regulation,...
Get ready for the new REACH information requirements
The update of the REACH annexes, published in the Commission Regulat...
34 bisphenols to be restricted due to their potential hormonal or reprotoxic effects
The Group ...
Grace period in Korea: How to comply with the new MSDS requirements.
At SIAM we are committed with the environment.
Candidate List Updated with 4 New Hazardous Chemicals
You can consult the com...
Disabling a submitted notification: why, when and how
Most of the European products sold online do not comply with the regulations on chemical products
Following REACH registration and to eliminate SHVCs from plastic waste streams, keys to achieving non-toxic recycling
Chemical recycling, a process by which plastic polymers are chemically broken down to supply n...
#UFIMattersEU: ECHA´S new social media campaign on the importance of the UFI code
And is that, not being really aware...
Echa´s new guideline to avoid animal testing and to reduce allergies caused by chemicals
PFCAs banned from 23 february onwards
Doubts about the classification and labelling of titanium dioxide (TiO2) following regulation (EU) 2020/2017? New HELP GUIDE published!
SIAM collaborates with Vicente Ferrer Foundation in its "Oxygen for India" campaign
Colombia: new regulations to apply the GHS in the workplace.
8 new additions to the Candidate List
Enforcement Forum-38 meeting: main conclusions
The 38th meeting of the Enforcement Forum once again ratified the poor qualit...
Glyphosate yes or no: AGG proposal does not contemplate changing the existing classification
NO SAFE! Titanium dioxide E171 no longer safe when used as food additive.
Titanium dioxide is used as fo...
Update of the guidance on poison centres notifications to version 4.0.: main novelties
Published the 16th ATP of the CLP regulation
Member States decisions in relation to implementation of Annex VIII to CLP Regulation: updated document
Canada proposes to align its hazardous products regulation with GHS, 7th revised edition
SVHC Roadmap 2020: a comprehensive analysis of its achievements
The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS or HAZCom) aligns with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemical Substances (GHS) (revision 7)
US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issues a proposed rule to update the current standard
New EU safety data sheet requirements: Transition period confirmed
The European Chemicals Agency ECHA published last December 2020 the fourth version of its Gui...
Second Amendment of Annex VIII published to facilitate compliance
Problems at Customs due to the new Mexican NOMs? SIAM have the answer
Published the 15th ATP of the CLP Regulation - application of the regulation (UE) nº 2020/1182
NEW Requirements for EU Safety Data Sheets
Regulation sh...
Four new chemical substances included in the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs)
The list, that now contains 209 substances that may have serious effects on our health or environment, has recently been updated to include three substances considered toxic to reproduction and one ...
SAFER CHEMICAL CONFERENCE: looking for a European chemical industry more environmentally friendly
How can companies prepare for the new EU obligations on chemicals kicking in next year?
These are the questions that the European Chemicals Agency ECHA wanted t...
Siam participates in SURFEX LIVE 2020 with a webinar on European Harmonized Toxicological Notification
800 250 250 becomes the only number of the INEM Poison Information Center (CIAV)
ECHA publishes on May its Guidance on harmonised information relating to emergency health response - Annex VII to CLP
Siam collaborates with Epson in its range of on-demand label printers
SIAM thanks all the professionals in the chemical industry
SIAM is committed and makes its contribution in the fight against COVID 19
First steps towards Eurasia REACH
EUCLEFT, an online search tool for EU chemical legislation
ECHA, FDA and other organism together against the COVID-19
Against the global crisis that is causing the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), many govern...
The European Commission classifies titanium dioxide (TiO2) as a carcinogen by inhalation
ATP 14 - application of the regulation (UE) nº 2020/217
44% of the mixtures considered as hazardous do not comply with the mandatory classification and labelling!
Inspectors from 29 countries revised a total of 3391 mixtures and 1620 companies from manufacturers, importers, downstream users and distributors in the sixt...
Webinar Poison Centre Notifications 2020 (ECHA)
Update of the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs)
The Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) has been upgraded to 205 substances. The ECHA (European Chemical Agency) has just included 4 new substances; due to their toxicity to re...
It is official already: The postponement to 2021 of the harmonised European format for notifications
UFI code and harmonised toxicological notification – Current status
Gulf States to implement GHS in 2020
It is already available the eighth revised edition of the GHS
PU Consulting AB new SIAM’s partner
ECHA prioritizes 18 substances (SVHC) on the Candidate List for Authorisation
You are still on time to give your opinion about changes in REACH, nanomaterials and poison center
Public consultation on postponing the date of entry into force pf Annex VIII (UFI & harmomised notification)
4 new substances added to the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs)
The Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) has been upgraded to 201 substances. The ECHA (European Chemical Agency) has just included 4 new substances; due to their toxicity to re...
Replace "UFI notified to the Spanish INTCF" by the "harmonized UFI"
50% of the SDS verified contained errors
CIAV, new emergency contact number
Main modifications on ADR 2019
Following the point, it’s compulsory to designate the senders or comercial agents who only hire but not load, unload or transport...
SIAM’s first time in the CPhI North America
Siam advises in Finland on the "trending topics" of chemical legislation
Published ATP 12
SIAM sponsors young motorcyclist Paul Dufour
SIAM at the european coatings leader exhibition
Ready, steady… Brexit!
SIAM in Specialty & Custom Chemicals America
Connected Regulations in the Rubber sector
ATP10 – Application of the Regulation (UE) nº2017/776 to the CLP Regulation
6 new substances added to the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs)
Huge attendance of new seminar about NOM-018-STPS-2015 organized by EPSON & SIAM MEXICO
Success of the Conferences about the NOM-018-STPS-2015 organized by EPSON and SIAM MEXICO
The sessions hel...
NOM-018-STPS2015: it has finally become effective!
The kick-off of the ECHA to the revision project of Safety Data Sheets
we guarantee your data security
We work with and for our clients
ATP11 to the CLP Regulation
The use of methanol in windscreen washer fluids has been restricted
American Coatings Show 2018
Third consecutive assistance of SIAM at Turkcoat
GLOBALCHEM 2018 – Conferences about global chemical regulations
What is the UFI number?
Thank you for your participation and hope ...
Seven new substances added to the Candidate List
How UK´s withdrawal from the EU impacts chemical products?
Translations of the Guidance on labelling and packaging according to CLP now available
Methanol restriction for windscreen washing or defrosting fluids and denaturated alcohol moving forwards towards restriction
SIAM participates in the 27th technical congress of ASEFAPI
Once again SIAM took part at the technical congress of ASEFAPI at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium (venue).
The new order about toxicological file in Spain is a reality
New Eurobarometer study on chemical safety
The new Eurobarometer study on chemical safety shows that 65 % of EU citizens are concerned (of 28 000 EU citizens interviewed) , to different extents, about being exposed to hazardous chemicals. Wh...
South Korea and Japan update GHS substance classification List
The 74th Florida Feed Association Convention
Latin America Coating Show 2017
RFME Spanish speed championship: Circuit of Navarra
Seminar on “Segurança dos produtos químicos” in Portugal
Last call to remove from the market chemical products with old labels : 1st of June 2017
New York is set to become the first US state to require cleaning product manufacturers to publicly disclose ingredients and to identify chemicals of concern used in formulations
Chemical products with old labels off the shelves
Conference at EPSON Iberica headquarters
EU endorses restrictions to CMR substances
SIAM USA and SIAM join forces!
25 years since the creation of EU ecolabel!
SIAM successfully attended to the European Coating Show!
SIAM has attended to tecnova Piscinas trade fair
On March 24th, SIAM participated in the annual APT Seminar
Published Regulation (EU) 2017/542
SIAM participated in the charity paddle sporting competition “Paladas por la donación”
ADELMA technical commission annual meeting
New subsidiary in Miami, Siam more global than ever
Watch out! The European Commission has published corrections to the CLP Regulation Nº 1272/2008
Do you know the Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement (Forum)?
This forum is of great interest for our clients...