Update of the guidance on poison centres notifications to version 4.0.: main novelties

Update of the guidance on poison centres notifications to version 4.0.: main novelties

The Guidance on Poison Centres Notifications is an orientation document on the European harmonised information relating to emergency health response – Annex VIII to CLP, that aims to help users subject to regulation to comply with their obligations.

The first version was developed with the support of a specialized working group made up of industry experts, bodies designated by the Member States and European toxicology institutes. Since its first version in February 2019, the document has been updated in consultation with ECHA partners.

A few weeks ago, its fourth version was published, which addresses problems and solutions identified by certain industrial sectors in the harmonized notification process. Next, we explain the main novelties by sections.

Section 3 on OBLIGATIONS.

This section defines the general framework of the provisions of Article 45 of CLP and Annex VIII. It clarifies who may play a role or has potential obligations related to its provisions.

The new version introduces the following important changes in this regard:

  • Clarifications on the border between mixture and substance have in section 3.3.
  • New section to address the custom paints exemption.
  • Added in section 3.4 a clarification on mixtures with end use is not subject to notification requirements.


This section introduces the obligations under Article 45 and the main elements concerning the submission of information as required by Annex VIII. It explains certain concepts and the possible ways forward should be understood before starting to prepare the submission.

These are the main novelties of version 4.0. :

  • Added in section 4.2.1 a clarification of the UFI concept applied to Interchangeable Component Groups, Standard Formulas and Fuels.
  • Added in section 4.2.7 clarification about the need to update the UFI in case of notifications concerning Standard Formulas, fuels or containing Interchangeable Component Groups.
  • Added new section to provide details on the labelling requirements for bespoke paints.


This section provides guidance on which information is needed according to the legal text in the case of a full submission as well as in the case of limited and group submissions.

Numerous clarifications have been introduced:

  • Added in section 5.3.1 clarification about the extended exemption to the obligation not to notify components which are not present.
  • Added in section 5.3.2 a recommendation to report the presence of microorganisms in the mixture when relevant.
  • Clarified in section 5.3.3 the identification requirements for mixtures in mixture.

And new full sections have been added:

  • Added new section 5.5 on the Interchangeable Component Group solution.
  • Added new section 5.6 on the special provisions for ready-mixed concrete, gypsum and cement products (Standard Formulas solution).
  • Added new section 5.7 on the special provisions for certain fuels.

If you want more information and read the full document, you can do so at this link